
Safer Schools Police Officers

At Thomas More we have two Safer Schools Police Officers; PC Kingsnorth and PC Connolly who work with us to deliver a sustained, familiar and visible presence in and around school to:

  • Increase positive engagement with young people, parents and teachers to increase confidence.
  • Provide reassurance to young people, parents and the wider community through greater visibility and accessibility by developing partnership activities like safer routes to and from schools.
  • Minimise the risk of Serious Youth Violence (SYV) and crime to young Londoners by delivering preventive education, intervening with those already involved in criminal activity, and reducing the availability of weapons within our communities.
  • Significantly reduce the number of young victims of crime through preventative education on subjects like personal / property safety, etc.
  • Encourage the reporting of serious crime in schools and deals with those crimes as appropriate to the circumstances, in partnership with the school, to reach effective outcomes that are right for those involved. They also work closely with the safeguarding team to address safeguarding issues, share information and work in partnership to keep our students safe.

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